Honorbound Publishing

There is a better way for everything. Find it.

Thomas A. Edison

Thousands of people are preparing to file, or have already filed for their Social Security. They come to Social Security seminars with their questions because they've heard things, and read things, and they are also wondering, Is there a better way?

I'm here to tell you that, yes, there is a better way.

People are leaving big bucks on the table when it comes to this benefit because they aren't making this decision right. Income needs are growing, while traditional sources of retirement funds are shrinking. Yet according to a claiming trends analysis from the Center For Retirement Research at Boston College, only 2% of men and 4% of women elected to receive the maximum amount of benefits allowed by law1.

When you have better information, you can make a better decision. When you have the right knowledge, you can take advantage of the options and strategies that can result in thousands more income dollars that so many people are leaving behind, simple because they don't know better.

Not only is there a better way, but Retire Richer can help you find it.

Retire Richer products help retirees make the best decision when applying for social security. Retire Richer highlights the 7 deadly mistakes when filing, and how to avoid them, so retirees can claim back as much of their hard-earned benefits as possible.

1. Trends In Social Security Claiming, Alicia H Munnell and Anqi Chen, May 2015, Center For Retirement Research In Boston College